sane-st400(5) SANE Scanner Access Now Easy sane-st400(5)
sane-st400 - SANE backend for Siemens ST/Highscan flatbed scanners
The sane-st400 library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)
backend that provides access to Siemens ST400 flatbed scanners and com-
patibles. At present, the following scanners are supported by this
Siemens ST400 (6 bit gray scale)
Siemens ST800 (6 bit gray scale)
The driver supports line art and gray scans up to 8bpp.
The Siemens ST/Highscan series includes several more models, e.g. the
ST300 and ST600. If you own one of these scanners, or a scanner other
than the ones listed above that works with this backend, please let us
know by sending the scanner's model name, SCSI ID, and firmware revi-
sion to sane-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net. Have a look at
http://www.sane-project.org/mailing-lists.html concerning subscription
to sane-devel.
This backend expects device names of the form:
Where special is the path-name for the special device that corresponds
to a SCSI scanner. For SCSI scanners, the special device name must be a
generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. Under Linux, such a
device name could be /dev/sga or /dev/sge, for example. See
sane-scsi(5) for details.
The contents of the st400.conf file is a list of device names that cor-
respond to Siemens scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a
hash mark (#) are ignored. A sample configuration file is shown below:
# this is a comment
The default configuration file that is distributed with SANE looks like
scsi SIEMENS "ST 400" Scanner * * 3 0
In this configuration, the driver can only access the ST400 model at
SCSI ID 3 LUN 0 (see section BUGS below for the reason). To use the
driver with other scanner models, add an appropriate line to the con-
figuration file. For example, to use it with an ST800 at SCSI ID 3 LUN
0, add the line:
scsi SIEMENS "ST 800" Scanner * * 3 0
The backend configuration file (see also description of
The static library implementing this backend.
The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems
that support dynamic loading).
This environment variable specifies the list of directories that
may contain the configuration file. On *NIX systems, the direc-
tories are separated by a colon (`:'), under OS/2, they are sep-
arated by a semi-colon (`;'). If this variable is not set, the
configuration file is searched in two default directories:
first, the current working directory (".") and then in /usr/lo-
cal/etc/sane.d. If the value of the environment variable ends
with the directory separator character, then the default direc-
tories are searched after the explicitly specified directories.
For example, setting SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:" would re-
sult in directories tmp/config, ., and /usr/local/etc/sane.d be-
ing searched (in this order).
If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this en-
vironment variable controls the debug level for this backend.
E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed.
Smaller levels reduce verbosity.
Everything but the most basic stuff.
Currently, the backend does not check if the attached device really is
a ST400. It will happily accept everything that matches the configura-
tion entries. This makes it easy to test the backend with other scan-
ners: Just add an appropriate line to the configuration file. The con-
figuration file as distributed (see above) only works with the ST400.
Be careful: If there is no config file at all, the backend defaults to
The ST400 answers on all eight SCSI LUNs. Normally this is not a prob-
lem, as LUN support is usually disabled in SCSI drivers, but if you are
seeing multiple instances of the scanner in a device list, either dis-
able LUNs in your SCSI setup or change the entry in the configuration
file to match LUN 0 only.
If you encounter a bug please set the environment variable SANE_DE-
BUG_ST400 to 128 and try to regenerate the problem. Then send me a re-
port with the log attached.
If you encounter a SCSI bus error or trimmed and/or displaced images
please also set the environment variable SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_SCSI to 128
before sending me the report.
sane(7), sane-scsi(5)
Ingo Wilken <Ingo.Wilken@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de>
14 Jul 2008 sane-st400(5)
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