sanei_usb.h File Reference

This file provides a generic USB interface. More...

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Device and/or interface class codes
#define USB_CLASS_AUDIO   0x01
#define USB_CLASS_COMM   0x02
#define USB_CLASS_HID   0x03
#define USB_CLASS_PRINTER   0x07
#define USB_CLASS_HUB   0x09
#define USB_CLASS_DATA   0x0a
#define USB_CLASS_VENDOR_SPEC   0xff
USB descriptor types
#define USB_DT_DEVICE   0x01
#define USB_DT_CONFIG   0x02
#define USB_DT_STRING   0x03
#define USB_DT_INTERFACE   0x04
#define USB_DT_ENDPOINT   0x05
#define USB_DT_HID   0x21
#define USB_DT_REPORT   0x22
#define USB_DT_PHYSICAL   0x23
#define USB_DT_HUB   0x29
Descriptor sizes per descriptor type
#define USB_DT_DEVICE_SIZE   18
#define USB_DT_CONFIG_SIZE   9
Endpoint descriptors
#define USB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK   0x80
Standard requests
#define USB_REQ_GET_STATUS   0x00
#define USB_REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE   0x01
#define USB_REQ_SET_FEATURE   0x03
#define USB_REQ_SET_ADDRESS   0x05
#define USB_REQ_SYNCH_FRAME   0x0C
USB types
#define USB_TYPE_STANDARD   (0x00 << 5)
#define USB_TYPE_CLASS   (0x01 << 5)
#define USB_TYPE_VENDOR   (0x02 << 5)
#define USB_TYPE_RESERVED   (0x03 << 5)
USB recipients
#define USB_RECIP_DEVICE   0x00
#define USB_RECIP_INTERFACE   0x01
#define USB_RECIP_ENDPOINT   0x02
#define USB_RECIP_OTHER   0x03
USB Masks
#define USB_TYPE_MASK   (0x03 << 5)
#define USB_RECIP_MASK   0x1f

USB directions

#define USB_DIR_OUT   0x00
 Check if sanei_usb_set_timeout() is available.
#define USB_DIR_IN   0x80
 Check if sanei_usb_set_timeout() is available.
 Check if sanei_usb_set_timeout() is available.
 Check if sanei_usb_clear_halt() is available.
SANE_Status sanei_usb_testing_enable_replay (SANE_String_Const path, int development_mode)
 Initialize sanei_usb for replay testing. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_testing_enable_record (SANE_String_Const path, SANE_String_Const be_name)
 Initialize sanei_usb for recording. More...
SANE_String sanei_usb_testing_get_backend (void)
 Returns backend name for testing. More...
SANE_Bool sanei_usb_is_replay_mode_enabled (void)
 Returns SANE_TRUE if replay testing mode is enabled, i.e. More...
void sanei_usb_testing_record_clear (void)
 Clears currently recorded data. More...
void sanei_usb_testing_record_message (SANE_String_Const message)
 Records a debug message in the captured USB data if testing mode is enabled. More...
void sanei_usb_init (void)
 Initialize sanei_usb. More...
void sanei_usb_exit (void)
 End sanei_usb use, freeing resources when needed. More...
void sanei_usb_scan_devices (void)
 Search for USB devices. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname (SANE_String_Const devname, SANE_Word *vendor, SANE_Word *product)
 Get the vendor and product ids by device name. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_vendor_product (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Word *vendor, SANE_Word *product)
 Get the vendor and product ids. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_find_devices (SANE_Int vendor, SANE_Int product, SANE_Status(*attach)(SANE_String_Const devname))
 Find devices that match given vendor and product ids. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_open (SANE_String_Const devname, SANE_Int *dn)
 Open a USB device. More...
void sanei_usb_set_endpoint (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int ep_type, SANE_Int ep)
 Set the endpoint for the USB communication. More...
SANE_Int sanei_usb_get_endpoint (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int ep_type)
 Retrieve the endpoint used for the USB communication. More...
void sanei_usb_close (SANE_Int dn)
 Close a USB device. More...
void sanei_usb_set_timeout (SANE_Int timeout)
 Set the libusb timeout for bulk and interrupt reads. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_clear_halt (SANE_Int dn)
 Clear halt condition on bulk endpoints. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_reset (SANE_Int dn)
 Reset device. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_read_bulk (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Byte *buffer, size_t *size)
 Initiate a bulk transfer read. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_write_bulk (SANE_Int dn, const SANE_Byte *buffer, size_t *size)
 Initiate a bulk transfer write. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_control_msg (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int rtype, SANE_Int req, SANE_Int value, SANE_Int index, SANE_Int len, SANE_Byte *data)
 Send/receive a control message to/from a USB device. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_read_int (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Byte *buffer, size_t *size)
 Initiate a interrupt transfer read. More...
void sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices (const char *name, SANE_Status(*attach)(const char *dev))
 Expand device name patterns into a list of devices. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_set_configuration (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int configuration)
 Initiate set configuration. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_claim_interface (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int interface_number)
 Initiate claim interface. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_release_interface (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int interface_number)
 Initiate release interface. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_set_altinterface (SANE_Int dn, SANE_Int alternate)
 Initiate a set altinterface. More...
SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_descriptor (SANE_Int dn, struct sanei_usb_dev_descriptor *desc)
 Get some information from the device descriptor. More...

Detailed Description

This file provides a generic USB interface.

Currently, two access methods to USB devices are provided:

A general remark: Do not mix sanei_usb functions with "normal" file-related libc functions like open() or close. The device numbers used in sanei_usb are not file descriptors.

See also
sanei_lm983x.h, sanei_pa4s2.h, sanei_pio.h, sanei_scsi.h, and man sane-usb(5) for user-oriented documentation

Function Documentation

◆ sanei_usb_testing_enable_replay()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_testing_enable_replay ( SANE_String_Const  path,
int  development_mode 

Initialize sanei_usb for replay testing.

Initializes sanei_usb for testing by mocking whole USB stack. This function must be called before sanei_usb_init().

The sanei_usb subsystem also implements a "development mode". It modifies the XML data file with the actual commands of the test run and attempts to proceed testing until a mismatching input command is found for which input data is required.

A <known_commands_end> node in the data XML file will cause sanei_usb not to continue to the subsequent command in the XML file and instead it will prepend all output commands before that node before an output command is encountered.

pathPath to the XML data file.
development_modeEnables development mode.

◆ sanei_usb_testing_enable_record()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_testing_enable_record ( SANE_String_Const  path,
SANE_String_Const  be_name 

Initialize sanei_usb for recording.

Initializes sanei_usb for recording communication with the scanner. This function must be called before sanei_usb_init().

pathPath to the XML data file.
be_nameThe name of the backend to enable recording for.

◆ sanei_usb_testing_get_backend()

SANE_String sanei_usb_testing_get_backend ( void  )

Returns backend name for testing.

Returns backend name for the file registered in sanei_usb_testing_enable. The caller is responsible for freeing it.

◆ sanei_usb_is_replay_mode_enabled()

SANE_Bool sanei_usb_is_replay_mode_enabled ( void  )

Returns SANE_TRUE if replay testing mode is enabled, i.e.

whether we are working with fake scan data.

◆ sanei_usb_testing_record_clear()

void sanei_usb_testing_record_clear ( void  )

Clears currently recorded data.

This is useful on certain backends to clear the currently recorded data if it relates to other devices than the one that the scan will be performed on. On these backends all devices that the backend supports are opened multiple times. Recording this interaction to XML file makes it impossible to replay it, as the existence of these devices is not mocked currently.

This function may only be called when no USB devices are open, otherwise the behavior is unpredictable.

◆ sanei_usb_testing_record_message()

void sanei_usb_testing_record_message ( SANE_String_Const  message)

Records a debug message in the captured USB data if testing mode is enabled.

If testing mode is not enabled, this function does nothing.

msgMessage to record

◆ sanei_usb_init()

void sanei_usb_init ( void  )

Initialize sanei_usb.

Call this before any other sanei_usb function.

◆ sanei_usb_exit()

void sanei_usb_exit ( void  )

End sanei_usb use, freeing resources when needed.

When the use count of sanei_usb reach 0, free resources and end sanei_usb use.

◆ sanei_usb_scan_devices()

void sanei_usb_scan_devices ( void  )

Search for USB devices.

Search USB buses for scanner devices.

◆ sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_vendor_product_byname ( SANE_String_Const  devname,
SANE_Word *  vendor,
SANE_Word *  product 

Get the vendor and product ids by device name.

vendorvendor id
productproduct id
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - if the ids could be determined
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - if the device is not found
  • SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED - if this method is not supported with the current access method

◆ sanei_usb_get_vendor_product()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_vendor_product ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Word *  vendor,
SANE_Word *  product 

Get the vendor and product ids.

Currently, only libusb devices and scanners supported by the Linux USB scanner module can be found. For the latter method, the Linux version must be 2.4.8 or higher.

dndevice number of an already sanei_usb_opened device
vendorvendor id
productproduct id
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - if the ids could be determined
  • SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED - if the OS doesn't support detection of ids

◆ sanei_usb_find_devices()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_find_devices ( SANE_Int  vendor,
SANE_Int  product,
SANE_Status(*)(SANE_String_Const devname)  attach 

Find devices that match given vendor and product ids.

For limitations, see function sanei_usb_get_vendor_product(). The function attach is called for every device which has been found.

vendorvendor id
productproduct id
attachattach function
SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success (even if no scanner was found)

◆ sanei_usb_open()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_open ( SANE_String_Const  devname,
SANE_Int *  dn 

Open a USB device.

The device is opened by its name devname and the device number is returned in dn on success.

Device names can be either device file names for direct access over kernel drivers (like /dev/usb/scanner) or libusb names. The libusb format looks like this: "libusb:bus-id:device-id". Bus-id and device-id are platform-dependent. An example could look like this: "libusb:001:002" (Linux).

devnamename of the device to open
dndevice number
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED - if the file couldn't be accessed due to permissions
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_set_endpoint()

void sanei_usb_set_endpoint ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  ep_type,
SANE_Int  ep 

Set the endpoint for the USB communication.

Allows to switch to a different endpoint for the USB communication than the default (auto-detected) endpoint. This function can only be called after sanei_usb_open.

dndevice number
ep_typetype of endpoint to set (bitwise or of USB_DIR_IN/OUT and USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK/CONTROL/INTERRUPT/ISOCHRONOUS
ependpoint to use for the given type

◆ sanei_usb_get_endpoint()

SANE_Int sanei_usb_get_endpoint ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  ep_type 

Retrieve the endpoint used for the USB communication.

Returns the endpoint used for the USB communication of the given type. This function can only be called after sanei_usb_open.

dndevice number
ep_typetype of endpoint to retrieve (bitwise or of USB_DIR_IN/OUT and USB_ENDPOINT_TYPE_BULK/CONTROL/INTERRUPT/ISOCHRONOUS
endpoint used for the given type

◆ sanei_usb_close()

void sanei_usb_close ( SANE_Int  dn)

Close a USB device.

dndevice number

◆ sanei_usb_set_timeout()

void sanei_usb_set_timeout ( SANE_Int  timeout)

Set the libusb timeout for bulk and interrupt reads.

timeoutthe new timeout in ms

◆ sanei_usb_clear_halt()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_clear_halt ( SANE_Int  dn)

Clear halt condition on bulk endpoints.

dndevice number

◆ sanei_usb_reset()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_reset ( SANE_Int  dn)

Reset device.

dndevice number

◆ sanei_usb_read_bulk()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_read_bulk ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Byte *  buffer,
size_t *  size 

Initiate a bulk transfer read.

Read up to size bytes from the device to buffer. After the read, size contains the number of bytes actually read.

dndevice number
bufferbuffer to store read data in
sizesize of the data
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_write_bulk()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_write_bulk ( SANE_Int  dn,
const SANE_Byte *  buffer,
size_t *  size 

Initiate a bulk transfer write.

Write up to size bytes from buffer to the device. After the write size contains the number of bytes actually written.

dndevice number
bufferbuffer to write to device
sizesize of the data
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the write
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_control_msg()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_control_msg ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  rtype,
SANE_Int  req,
SANE_Int  value,
SANE_Int  index,
SANE_Int  len,
SANE_Byte *  data 

Send/receive a control message to/from a USB device.

This function is only supported for libusb devices and kernel access with Linux 2.4.13 and newer. For a detailed explanation of the parameters, have a look at the USB specification at the developers information page.

dndevice number
rtypespecifies the characteristics of the request (e.g. data direction)
reqactual request
valueparameter specific to the request
indexparameter specific to the request (often used to select endpoint)
lenlength of data to send/receive
databuffer to send/receive data
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - on error
  • SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED - if the feature is not supported by the OS or SANE.

◆ sanei_usb_read_int()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_read_int ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Byte *  buffer,
size_t *  size 

Initiate a interrupt transfer read.

Read up to size bytes from the interrupt endpoint from the device to buffer. After the read, size contains the number of bytes actually read.

dndevice number
bufferbuffer to store read data in
sizesize of the data
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices()

void sanei_usb_attach_matching_devices ( const char *  name,
SANE_Status(*)(const char *dev)  attach 

Expand device name patterns into a list of devices.

Apart from a normal device name (such as /dev/usb/scanner0 or libusb:002:003), this function currently supports USB device specifications of the form:


VENDOR and PRODUCT are non-negative integer numbers in decimal or hexadecimal format. A similar function for SCSI devices can be found in include/sane/config.h.

namedevice name pattern
attachattach function

◆ sanei_usb_set_configuration()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_set_configuration ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  configuration 

Initiate set configuration.

Change set configuration

dndevice number
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_claim_interface()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_claim_interface ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  interface_number 

Initiate claim interface.

Change claim interface

dndevice number
interface_numberinterface number
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_release_interface()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_release_interface ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  interface_number 

Initiate release interface.

Change release interface

dndevice number
interface_numberinterface number
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_set_altinterface()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_set_altinterface ( SANE_Int  dn,
SANE_Int  alternate 

Initiate a set altinterface.

Change set alternate

dndevice number
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_EOF - if zero bytes have been read
  • SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR - if an error occurred during the read
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error

◆ sanei_usb_get_descriptor()

SANE_Status sanei_usb_get_descriptor ( SANE_Int  dn,
struct sanei_usb_dev_descriptor *  desc 

Get some information from the device descriptor.

Sometimes it's useful to know something about revisions and other stuff reported by the USB system

dndevice number
descwhere to put the information to
  • SANE_STATUS_GOOD - on success
  • SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED - if the feature is not supported by the OS or SANE.
  • SANE_STATUS_INVAL - on every other error