sane-umax-1.0.3-build-22 is available on my homepage.
The build-21 is included into sane-1.0.3.
I decided not to included build-22 into sane-1.0.3 because
there was not enough time to test the scsi-command-queueing routines
before sane-1.0.3-code-freeze has been defined.
On my system these routines work stable.
The lamp status routines are dfined for UMAX Astra 4000
it looks like they do not work with Astra 2200/1220S/1200S
Here are the other news:
* replaced fgets() by sanei_config_read()
* added command queueing for scsi read commands
- removed WAIT_SCANNER scsi command call after read command
- the additional buffers are allocated in the reader process
- the number of buffers can be defined in umax.conf
with option scsi-maxqueue [1..8] default:2
(did some tests with Supervista S12 and PowerLook III
on the same scsi controller (ncr53c810):
command queueing works, it is possible to start
both scanners at the same time. The scanner with the
higher scsi-ID (=priority) does scan without stops,
the other scanner has to wait long time between the
scsi-read commands, it also is possible to give
bothe scanners different scsi command queueing depth).
* prepared replacement of pipe by sanei_ipc_* routines
* added routines umax_get_lamp_status and umax_set_lamp_status
* updated inquiry output (new bits from powerlook scsi protocol 1.0 X101)
* added new (powerlook scsi protocol 1.0 X101) window descriptor block entries to umax-scsidef.h
* added button protocol (3 buttons, from powerlook scsi protocol 1.0 X101)
* added button "lamp off" to turn off scanner lamp
(this option may be remoeved again in later version, may be
it will be replaced by an autmatic lamp turn off function)
* added options to umax.conf
lamp-off-at-exit [01] default:0
lamp-off-time [10..720] (in minutes) default:30
* if lamp_off_at_exit == 1 and lamp_control_available == 1
the scanner lamp is turned off in sane_close
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