whily trying to solve my previous problems with the microtec backend
of SANE 0.73 (concerning the analog gamma correction) I upgraded to
SANE 1.0. With this version I get the following error message:
scanimage -v -d microtek:/dev/scanner -l 0 -t 0 -x 210 -y 297
--resolution 120 --brightness 0 --contrast 45 --exposure 1
--black-level 20 --midtone 128 --white-level 255
scanimage: rounded value of contrast from 45 to 42
scanimage: rounded value of exposure from 1 to 0
scanimage: scanning image of size 992x1403 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame
scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 255/0
scanimage: sane_read: Out of memory
Does anybody know about this? I installed it on a SuSE Linux 5.3 with
kernel 2.0.35 and libc.so.5.4.46. When this process is run there are
more than 30MB free RAM and 200MB free swap.
After switching back to SANE 0.73 the same command works fine.
Thank you for your help.
Concerning the previous problem with analog gamma correction: I try to
work-around it using the pnmgamma utility to apply the gamma correction
after the scan was done. The problem is that the system is far away,
it is part of a product scanning system with a web interface to operate
the scanner. The scanning process is done automatically by means of a
cgi script. I have only remote access to this system so it's difficult
to make extensive experiments with the scanner. The system was set-up with
the mtekscan utility and worked fine at our lab, but after delivering it
to our client there were problems with mtekscan which too often crashed the
system so I decided to switch-over to SANE.
For your reference, here is the previous problem once again. I evaluated
the source code of the microtec backend and in my opinion the analog gamma
correction should be possible. There seems to be some quirk concerning the
command-line option evaluation which comes to the conclusion that my
command-line options are used in the wrong combination, but I don't see
what's wrong with it.
Maybe, if I post it here once again, there is anybody who can help me
on this, too:
scanimage -l 0 -t 0 -x 210 -y 297 --resolution 120 --brightness 0
--contrast 45 --exposure 1 --black-level 20 --midtone 128 --white-level 255
--gamma-mode Scalar --analog-gamma-r 2.6 --analog-gamma-g 2.8 --analog-gamma-b 2
scanimage aborts with the following message:
scanimage: attempted to set inactive option analog-gamma-r
Scanner: Microtek E6
SANE versions 0.73 and 1.0
OS: Linux 2.0.35 libc.so.5.4.46
Roland Genske
-- Roland Genske Marxmeier Software GmbH E-Mail: rhg@marxmeier.com Besenbruchstrasse 9 Voice : +49 202 2431413 42285 Wuppertal, Germany Fax : +49 202 2431420 http://www.marxmeier.com
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