Just to follow up, no, it's not allowed by ANSI. Using the "-pedantic"
flag in gcc gives a warning to that effect. I have no idea why they
decided to make it a compiler error in egcs, though.
-- use strict;print&{sub{my(@q)=@_;&{sub{my($p)=@_;&$p($p,@q);}}(sub{my($p)=shift; @_&&($_[0][0].":".(ref $_[0][1]?"\n".&$p($p,@{$_[0][1]}):$_[0][1])."\n".(&$p( $p,@_[1..$#_])||''));});}}([name=>'David Huggins-Daines'],[email=>'bn711@free'. 'net.carleton.ca'],[occupation=>[[by_day=>'linguist'],[by_night=>'hacker']]]);
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