The details are:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
Vendor: HP Model: C5110A Rev: 3638
Type: Processor ANSI SCSI revision: 02
It's hanging off an Adaptec 2940, on an x86 system running the RH 4 dist
of Linux, upgraded to Kernel 2.0.27 and libc 5.4.22
The problem is that currently, the preview function doesn't work. If I
open the preview window, all OK. If I try activating the preview
function, I get a:
Error: Failed restore value of option tl-x: Invalid argument.
Error: Failed restore value of option tl-y: Invalid argument.
from stdout and a dialogue popping up to tell me "Not enough memory".
Since I've got 32MB of physical RAM and another 50-odd MB of swap, this
seems unlikely.
Whether this is an error specific to the 5p or a problem with my build,
I'm unsure.
-- Rodger Donaldson
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