Back end for Epson PhotoPC 500

Jeff Tranter (
Sun, 08 Jun 1997 22:01:57 -0400

A while back I was looking for Linux/Unix support for my Epson
digital camera. I had no specs on the protocol it uses and wasn't making
much progress in getting the information from Epson.

Just about the time I was thinking of giving up, Eugene Crosser
that he had reverse engineered the protocol and written a nice library
command line interface to control the camera.

I looked briefly at the Sane spec and it doesn't look like it should
be too hard to write a back end based on Eugene's library. So, unless
someone else announces that they're already doing it, I'm planning to
develop a Sane back end for the Epson PhotoPC 500 (it should work with
the older PhotoPC as well). I'll keep people on the mailing list
informed of my progress.


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