offtopic/ document storage (was Re: Which scanners REALLY provide 36 bit output? HP?)

From: Nick Lamb (
Date: Thu Dec 14 2000 - 00:14:33 PST

  • Next message: Steve Underwood: "Re: offtopic/ document storage (was Re: Which scanners REALLY provide 36 bit output? HP?)"

    On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 09:58:07AM +0800, Steve Underwood wrote:
    > If you want to do archival storage of documents, do it on paper.

    Ha ha ha. I'm sure that's true if your #1 concern is "these documents
    must still exist at some defined point in the future", which is a
    common legal requirement. For me though, you can't beat actually being
    able to _access_ the archived documents... for that reason our document
    images are on big fast magnetic disks :)


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