FW: AGGA SNAPSCAN / Polaroid Sprint Scan 35/LE

From: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza (Dieter.Jurzitza@t-online.de)
Date: Mon Jul 03 2000 - 11:59:52 PDT

  • Next message: Jochen Eisinger: "Re: Bug report"

    Dear Andrew,
    the following message I used to send to the list nearly one year ago - might it
    be possible that you are facing a comparable difficulty?
    No one did react on my mail from then, but maybe there's a help for you from
    this. Look what your scanner reports, maybe this helps,
    take care


    -----FW: AGFA SNAPSCAN / Polaroid Sprint Scan 35/LE-----

    Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 20:57:58 +0200 (MEST)
    From: "Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza" <dieter.jurzitza@t-online.de>
    To: sane-devel@mostang.com
    Subject: AGGA SNAPSCAN / Polaroid Sprint Scan 35/LE

    having set up my fathers box I want to give a note about a bug with the
    snapscan driver ****************************************

    1.) The Agfa Snapscan 300 of my father gives the message "SNAPSCAN 300" (note
    the blank) as ID. However, the snapscan driver asks for "SNAPSCAN300" (no
    blank) thus it is not detected. I patched the sources - but maybe there should
    be a more generic way to identify system names (Uppercasify everything / remove
    all blanks) by a routine being used from all drivers to find out the name of
    the game.

    E-Mail: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza <dieter.jurzitza@t-online.de>
    Date: 10-Jul-99
    Time: 20:57:58 |
                     /\_/\ |
                    | ~x~ |/-----\ /
                     \ /- \_/
      ^^__ _ / _ ____ /
     <°°__ \- \_/ | |/ | |
      || || _| _| _| _|

    if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
    with constant spacing like courier! :-)

    --------------End of forwarded message-------------------------

    E-Mail: Dr. Ing. Dieter Jurzitza <dieter.jurzitza@t-online.de>
    Date: 03-Jul-00
    Time: 20:55:55 |
                     /\_/\ |
                    | ~x~ |/-----\ /
                     \ /- \_/
      ^^__ _ / _ ____ /
     <°°__ \- \_/ | |/ | |
      || || _| _| _| _|

    if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font
    with constant spacing like courier! :-)

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