Canon scanners

Herman Roozenbeek (
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 19:27:05 +0100 (CET)

How can I access my Canon CanoScan 300 under Linux with Sane?

I use SuSE Linux 6.1, but I have Sane 1.0.1 installed.
Everything compiled without problems and I have the /usr/local/lib/libsane.*
files pointing to the corresponding /usr/local/lib/sane/libsane-canon.* files.

The kernel recognizes the scanner at startup, so there is no problem with the

But when I run xscanimage, the programs informs me that there are no devices

I guess I'm doing something wrong, but what?


"Laughter is the closest distance between two people."
-- Victor Borge

E-Mail: Herman Roozenbeek <>
Date: 21-Nov-99, 19:20:27

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