Scanner detected, but scanimage doesn't run...

Carlos Costa Portela (
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 00:11:24 +0200 (CET)

Hello all!

At last, my scanner was detected. I don't know where was the fail. I
solved it installing the kernel 2.2.10. Thank you for your help.

aragorn[~]% cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
Vendor: EPSON Model: SCANNER GT-7000 Rev: 1.14
Type: Processor ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 05 Lun: 00
Vendor: IOMEGA Model: ZIP 100 Rev: E.08
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02

But now...

aragorn[~/WWW]% scanimage -L
device `pnm:0' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device
device `pnm:1' is a Noname PNM file reader virtual device


Then, I changed the /usr/local/lib/libsane* from *dll* to *epson*:

aragorn[~/WWW]% scanimage -L
aragorn[~/WWW]% scanimage
scanimage: no SANE devices found


aragorn:/home/ccosta/varios/sane/sane-1.00/tools# ./find-scanner
find-scanner: found processor "EPSON SCANNER GT-7000 1.14" at device
find-scanner: found processor "EPSON SCANNER GT-7000 1.14" at device

What must I do?

Thank you,

_______Carlos Costa Portela_______________Password Technologies______
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