Green-ness of microtek scanned images

De Clarke (
Sun, 4 Apr 1999 23:18:49 -0800 (PDT)

I just replaced microtek2.c and microtek2.h with those from the
Mar 31 tarball, since Bernd had recommended that to another user.

It seems to behave about the same -- preview always very red/green,
with blue being replaced by red and everything else greenish --
in normal scans, neutral colours seem to be too red/greeny with
no blue in the mix, but blue areas seem ok.

This is something I can clean up in GIMP so it's not a fatal flaw,
but if we can ever get the rgb map right for this scanner it would
be nice...

grayscale scans look great :-)

I'm really thrilled that this install/test went so easily. roses
and applause all round.


PS I think there was some discussion of this a month or two ago,
but I forget the answer: does the light ever turn off in this
scanner? it seems to stay on a long time even when idle ...

:De Clarke, Software Engineer                     UCO/Lick Observatory, UCSC:
:Mail: | There are only two kinds of computer languages: the :
:Web: | ones people hate, and the ones people don't use.--JO:

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