> I am a new linux user with very small knoledges of linux. Bevor trying
> to change my system I had some questions:
> I have one linux-computer as an communication (internetsurfing),
> printing a samba server for four win95/98 computers. Is it possible to
> use this linux-server although for a scanner-server?
I use my FreeBSD box for essentially the same purpose.
The following script is on my machine in /usr/local/bin/scanfax:
#! /bin/zsh
scanimage -d umax:/dev/pass4 --mode Lineart --resolution 200 \
--threshold 85 | pbm2g3 > /usr/fax/scan$$.g3
I also have set up a ghostscript 'laserwriter' that generates g3 files into /usr/fax.
So, I can print and scan stuff into /usr/fax, and when ready, I simply type:
sendfax -r -n /usr/fax/*.g3 <phone number>
> What happens during the scanning? Does this server loose the rest of his
> functions? Scanning under windows95/98 the computer is not able to do
> anything other.
No. Unlike Windows, Unix (Linux in your case) is a real operating system.
> Is it possible to use the scanner fixed to the linux-computer from my
> windows clients?
You have Samba, scan into a samba shared directory. Get an X server for
your windows boxes, run xscanimage. Alternatively, run telnet, and use the
command line version.
-- Thinking of purchasing RAM from the Chip Merchant? Please read this first: <http://www.enigami.com/~ckempf/chipmerchant.html>Cory Kempf Macintosh / Unix Consulting & Software Development ckempf@enigami.com <http://www.enigami.com/~ckempf/>
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