Re: A word about the supported scanner list.

Andreas Czechanowski (
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 10:56:34 +0100 (MET)

Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999, Nicolas de Peslouan wrote:

> I think that adding a "Type" column in the supported scanner list
> ( would help new Sane
> users understand if their new scanners (you know, the one they get from
> Santa Klaus), have a chance to work with Sane. Possible values for Type
> should be "Parallel", "SCSI", "USB", "IO card", ...

Good idea. I propose to also include a "rating of supportedness",
which should mean how cooperative the manufacturer is/was in order to
provide documentation for the scanner (e.g. "0" means no docs at all or
answers like "I do not understand your question - what's a scanner ?",
"9" means excellent written documentation or even helping when asking
back for specific concerns (am I dreaming ?))

The information herefore should be gathered from the backend developers
for the specific scanners. (for my own experience, I can vote a "1"
for this single model Mustek backend (600 II N) I did)



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