I'd like to know the status on this?
As anyone started anything?
If not, can someone tell me where to get a "skeleton" of a TWAIN
DataSource driver?
I'm not doing much these days and would like very much to start doing
Since I have a bunch of linux box and few windows 98/NT I can certainly
get started on this.
(That would help me get back into M$Fenetre development...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andre Couture 938934 Ontario Inc. mailto:acouture@videotron.ca
--------------C4BA1382B79E783E5EF51C9D Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="0175.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="0175.html" Content-Base: "http://www.mostang.com/mail-archive/sa ne-devel/1998-05/0175.html" Content-Location: "http://www.mostang.com/mail-archive/sa ne-devel/1998-05/0175.html"
<!-- received="Thu May 14 17:09:24 1998 PDT" --> <!-- sent="Fri, 15 May 1998 10:05:12 +1000 (EST)" --> <!-- name="Graham Stoney" --> <!-- email="greyham@research.canon.com.au" --> <!-- subject="Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE" --> <!-- id="199805150005.KAA20389@miles.research.canon.com.au" --> <!-- inreplyto="199805131357.PAA31566@no.sctrade.it" --> <title>sane-devel: Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE</title> <h1>Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE</h1> <b>Graham Stoney</b> (<a href="mailto:greyham@research.canon.com.au"><i>greyham@research.canon.com.au</i></a>)<br> <i>Fri, 15 May 1998 10:05:12 +1000 (EST)</i> <p> <ul> <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b> <a href="date.html#175">[ date ]</a><a href="index.html#175">[ thread ]</a><a href="subject.html#175">[ subject ]</a><a href="author.html#175">[ author ]</a> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0176.html">Jon Schneider: "mustek mustave died"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0174.html">Kenneth Crudup: "Re: problems with snapscan and scanimage"</a> <li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0149.html">Yuri Dario: "Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> <li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0151.html">Brian Macy: "Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE"</a> <!-- reply="end" --> </ul> <!-- body="start" --> Yuri Dario writes:<br> <i>> On Wed, 13 May 1998 12:13:01 +1000 (EST), Graham Stoney wrote:</i><br> <i>> </i><br> <i>> >TWAIN users would be able to access scanners remotely via Sane,</i><br> <i>> >and would ask themselves "why can't I access a scanner remotely with TWAIN?".</i><br> <i>> </i><br> <i>> now it is possible: my brother has a UMAX610S, and the Umax twain driver can be used in a network; the </i><br> <i>> driver uses NETBIOS/IPX as transport protocol. But until now he hasn't tested a network configuration (but </i><br> <i>> he should do it soon).</i><br> <p> When I did some research into TWAIN network scanner access a couple of months<br> ago, the UMAX was the only one I could find, and I gather it uses some sort<br> of proprietary protocol specific to the UMAX; whereas under SANE any scanner<br> is network accessible. It would be really cool if the SANE protocol became<br> some sort of defacto (or even official) standard for remote scanner access<br> even under TWAIN, since the TWAIN standard doesn't specify such a protocol.<br> <p> Regards,<br> Graham<br> <pre>
-- Graham Stoney, Senior Hardware/Software Engineer Canon Information Systems Research Australia Ph: + 61 2 9805 2909 Fax: + 61 2 9805 2929 <p> <pre>-- Source code, list archive, and docs: <a href="http://www.mostang.com/sane/">http://www.mostang.com/sane/</a> To unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe sane-devel | mail <a href="mailto:majordomo@mostang.com">majordomo@mostang.com</a> </pre> <!-- body="end" --> <p> <ul> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0176.html">Jon Schneider: "mustek mustave died"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0174.html">Kenneth Crudup: "Re: problems with snapscan and scanimage"</a> <li> <b>In reply to:</b> <a href="0149.html">Yuri Dario: "Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> <li> <b>Next in thread:</b> <a href="0151.html">Brian Macy: "Re: Win32 TWAIN DLL to interface with SANE"</a> <!-- reply="end" --> </ul>--------------C4BA1382B79E783E5EF51C9D--
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