Re: Film scanner under sane

Frank Haase (
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 17:58:51 +0200

Fabrice Rossi wrote:
> Why? Is there any needs for a specific support in the backend in order to scan
> negatives?

yeah, the software has to subtract the orange mask and invert
the colors. while the latter can also be done in gimp (?) the
former is just not implemented I guess. Each brand has a different
orange mask and in the scancraft software from canon you can
choose the type of film directly or the automatic option.

so far,

 Frank Haase                  Phone: +(49) 30 20192 308 
 Humboldt University Berlin   FAX  : +(49) 30 20192 302 
 AG Quantum Chemistry         E-mail: 
 Jaeger Str. 10/11,           D-10117 Berlin, Germany  
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