On 10-Sep-97 becka@sunserver1.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de wrote:
>> This doesn't always work. The scanner simply stops in the middle of the page
>> and scanimage seems to hang. Using xscanimage the problem is the same. Other
>> modes than lineart work fine.
>I see similar problems here. It doesn't seem to depend on the mode (actually
>I cannot reproduce exact conditions under which it fails), but from time to
>time my MFS 12000 SP will hang and the SCSI system will be taken down with
>it. If you reboot the system without powering off the scanner in the meantime,
>the system will hang again when the SCSI driver gets loaded.
Well, that's exactly what happens here. The only difference seems to be that for
me it only happens in Lineart mode.
Please let me know if you get more information via private e-mail.
Ciao, Michael
--- _ |\/|_) -=> ritzert@cfg.hd.bw.schule.de <=- | | \ *Michael Ritzert* - http://home.t-online.de/home/ritzert
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