Re: COOLSCAN II backend

Michael K. Johnson (
Thu, 07 Aug 1997 10:15:05 -0400

Didier Carlier writes:
>What puzzles me is that all commands are accepted up to the first
>READ, at which point the front panel led flashes rapidly for a couple of
>seconds. This, according to the user's manual indicates an error
>condition, but the return code from the function is ok.
>All further READs also complete successfully, without flashes of
>the led on the front panel and at the end I get a black image (all

I am pretty sure that it is resetting; after that it is not unusual
for READ to return 0, just as they would if you tried to read without
starting a scan. That's my guess, anyway.

>I guess there are a lot of places where a 'vendor specific' field of a
>command is required to be set to some value for the scanner, so
>debugging this without the specs (or possibly a trace ?) might be non

Even with the specs for UMAX, seeing traces helped me understand the


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