> After compiling and installing i tried to fetch some pictures into gimp
> 0.99-10.
> Scanning in grayscale mode at least nearly works and gives some kind of
> visible image. The only fault here is that some lines seem to be
> missing.
> Scaning in color drives the scanner totally mad. The slide is even going
> backwards during scan, and the higher the resolution the shorter the
> interval.
This is correct. It is due to the phgysical positioning of the R,G,B
CCDs. This is called backtracking.
> Anybody working on the problem ?
The problem is that it doesn't seem to be really reproducible. It seems to
vanish for all that reported it after messing around a bit with various
LD-Correction options.
However nobody can tell later what exactly was done to solve the problem.
Seems like some sort of "escape from Bermuda-Triangle" problem ...
-- Andreas Beck | Email : <becka@sunserver1.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de> ======== GGI - The Right Thing To Do : http://synergy.foo.net/~ggi/ ========
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