Minor "bug".

Rogier Wolff (R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl)
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 17:10:54 +0200 (MET DST)


In Xscanimage, when you stop the preview (e.g. because you already
have enough image to see what you're going to grab: A tamarack takes
almost two minutes to do a preview....), and you click the preview
window away, and back again, you'll see part of the previous preview
come back (Likely invalid because you didn't press "preview" again
for nothing....)

Am I being clear? Dont think so. OK Try this.

Press "preview Window"
Press "Acquire Preview"
wait for the preview to finish.
change whatever 's on the scanner.
press "Acquire Preview"
after a while, but before the scan finishes, press "cancel".

Now you see half the "new" image.

press "Preview Window" again to dismiss the preview window.
press "Preview Window" again to get it back.

Now it also shows half the "old" image......


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