Mustek Scanner distorted image lines

Stefan Luettringhaus-Kappel (
Mon, 12 May 1997 22:13:35 +0200 (MEST)


last time I wrote to this list it was my fault not to read the fine
manual about SCSI settings. Now I tried to do it all right:

- Kernel 2.0.28
- ncr53c8xx.{c,h} revision 1.18f (taken from linux-2.1.36)
- no disconnect
- no tagged command queuing
- 128k SCSI buffer
- sane-0.57

The scanner is a MFS-12000SP which says
Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 06 Lun: 00
Vendor: SCANNER Model: Rev: 1.00
Type: Scanner ANSI SCSI revision: 01 CCS

The scanner is the only device connected to an Asus SC-200.
(The disks etc. use the NCR on the mainboard).

Now if I do a
scanimage -d mustek:/dev/scanner --mode Color -x95mm -y200mm --resolution
I get an image of size 7939717 with header

# SANE data follows
1120 2363

The problem is that about every 128kBytes in the image 1 or two scan
lines of garbage seem to be added (I think sometimes lines are
missing, too). I could send excerpts from the image if it helps. The
--backtrack option doesn't change anythink, in fact the scanner always
backtracks (as I can tell from the movement of the light shining

The distorted lines also appear in modes other than Color. I'm pretty
sure (90%) that I had a similar distortion when I once had the scanner
connected to the NCR53C400 card.

Needless to say, it works ok with windows :-(

So, what else can I do?

Best regards


Dr. Stefan L=FCttringhaus-Kappel <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><=
Institut f=FCr Informatik III Phone +49 (228) 73-4536
Universit=E4t Bonn Fax +49 (228) 73-4382
R=F6merstrasse 164
D-53117 Bonn (Germany)

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