Microtek Sane Backend

Nem W Schlecht (nem@abattoir.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu)
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 21:09:45 -0600 (CST)

Just to let everybody on the list know.. I've gotten Jan S.'s mtekscan
command line program working and will soon start working on a SANE backend.
I've already started and am half done with a port of the scsi stuff to my
machine. One problem, though. It appears that the Linux stuff is pretty
low-level. My stuff is actually pretty similar, but with one major
difference. There is a structure that is used for SCSI communications, but
it requires setting either a READ or WRITE flag. I'm debating whether I
will be able to just simply say that all 0x1b commands (or whatever) are
WRITEs and whatnot, which would mean that there is no change in having to
call the sanei_scsi_cmd(), or require an addition argument, namely a flag,
which would require a change to the API.
I would prefer the API change, and then just have the Linux SCSI module
ignore the flag, but this presents a problem to the Linux programmers, in
that they wouldn't know whether to use a READ or a WRITE - I'm not even
sure in some cases, I just kinda guessed. :-(
Any comments?

Nem W Schlecht                  nem@plains.nodak.edu
NDUS UNIX SysAdmin         http://www.nodak.edu/~nem
"Perl did the magic.  I just waved the wand."

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